Robotic joint replacement


What Is Robotic Joint Replacement?


Robotic joint replacement is a surgical technique that combines the expertise of orthopaedic surgeons with robotic technology to perform joint replacement procedures. The robotic system assists the surgeon in executing the procedure with greater precision, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the surgical outcomes.

By utilising robotic assistance, surgeons can plan and execute each step of the joint replacement surgery with meticulous detail, ensuring optimal implant positioning and alignment. This leads to improved longevity of the joint replacement and better functional outcomes for patients.

Types of Robotic Joint Replacement

Robotic joint replacement can be performed on various joints in the body, with the most common procedures being knee, hip, and shoulder replacements.

Knee Replacements

The robotic system aids in optimising the implant fit and alignment, resulting in improved stability and natural movement.

Hip Replacements

Robotic technology assists in precise placement of the hip socket and accurate positioning of the femoral stem.

Shoulder Replacements

The robotic system aids in optimal positioning of the glenoid and humeral components, leading to improved range of motion and stability.

Symptoms of Conditions Requiring Robotic Joint Replacement

Conditions that may require robotic joint replacement often manifest through specific symptoms. These symptoms can vary depending on the joint involved but commonly include:


Risk Factors of Conditions Requiring Robotic Joint Replacement

Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing conditions that may require robotic joint replacement. These risk factors include:

Advanced age: Joint degeneration becomes more common with ageing.

Obesity: Excess weight places added stress on the joints.

Previous joint injuries: Past traumas can lead to joint damage and degeneration.

Genetic predisposition: Some individuals are genetically more susceptible to joint conditions

Medical conditions: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other inflammatory diseases can contribute to joint degeneration.


Identifying these risk factors can help individuals take proactive measures to maintain joint health and seek timely medical intervention when needed.

Causes of Conditions Requiring Robotic Joint Replacement

Conditions requiring robotic joint replacement often have underlying causes such as:

  • Joint degeneration: Osteoarthritis, the most prevalent cause, occurs due to the breakdown of cartilage, leading to joint pain and stiffness.
  • Inflammatory diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint inflammation and erosion of the joint lining.
  • Trauma: Fractures, joint injuries, and repetitive stress can contribute to joint damage.
  • Infections: Joint infections can lead to severe joint damage if left untreated.
  • Congenital abnormalities: Some individuals may be born with joint abnormalities that predispose them to joint conditions.

How to Prevent Conditions Requiring Robotic Joint Replacement?

While certain conditions that require robotic joint replacement may be unavoidable, there are steps individuals can take to minimise their risk.

Regular exercise

Engaging in low-impact exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints, improve flexibility, and promote joint lubrication.

Balanced diet

Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins to support joint health.

Healthy weight management: nic Conditions

Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce the stress on the joints.

Injury preventions

Avoiding repetitive stress or impact injuries by using proper body mechanics during physical activities.

By adopting these preventive measures, individuals can lower their chances of developing joint conditions that may require robotic joint replacement.

Treatment of Robotic Joint Replacement

Renal transplant involves several stages, each of which is crucial for a successful outcome. These stages include:

Pre-transplant Stage
  • Robotic joint replacement offers a highly effective and reliable treatment option for individuals suffering from debilitating joint conditions. The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation by an orthopaedic specialist who will assess the patient's medical history, perform a physical examination, and order diagnostic tests to determine the most appropriate treatment approach.
  • If robotic joint replacement is recommended, the surgeon will utilise advanced imaging techniques to create a personalised surgical plan. During the procedure, the robotic system assists the surgeon in accurately preparing the joint, removing damaged tissue, and placing the artificial implant.
  • The use of robotics ensures precise alignment and optimal positioning of the implant, resulting in improved joint function and longevity.

Robotic Joint Replacement Stages

The robotic joint replacement procedure typically consists of several stages:

Pre-Operative Assessment

Thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history and physical condition.
Imaging studies (such as CT or MRI scans) to assess the joint's condition.
Blood tests and other diagnostic procedures to evaluate the patient's overall health and identify any potential risks.

Surgical Planning

Utilisation of advanced imaging scans to create a detailed 3D model of the joint.
Creation of a personalised surgical plan, including implant size selection and optimal positioning for the robotic assistance.


Administration of general or regional anaesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
Small incisions made to access the joint.
Robotic instruments inserted to aid the surgeon in precise bone preparation, removal of damaged tissue, and accurate implant placement.
Real-time feedback and guidance from the robotic system to ensure optimal implant alignment and soft tissue balance.

Post-Operative Care

Close monitoring of the patient in the recovery area before transfer to a hospital room.
Implementation of pain management strategies, including medications and non-pharmacological approaches.
Physical therapy and early mobilisation to optimise healing, restore joint function, and prevent complications.
Length of hospital stay may vary depending on the joint replaced and individual factors.

At CritiCare Asia Hospitals, our expert medical professionals work closely with patients to figure out the most suitable treatment options based on individual needs and goals.

Road to Recovery Post Robotic Joint Replacements

The recovery period following robotic joint replacement is crucial for the success of the procedure. The patient will work closely with a multidisciplinary team, including physical therapists and occupational therapists, to optimise healing, regain strength and mobility, and minimise postoperative complications.

  • Physical therapy: Tailored exercises to improve joint range of motion, strengthen surrounding muscles, and restore functional abilities.
  • Pain management: Strategies to manage pain, including medications and non-pharmacological approaches.
  • Rehabilitation plan: A personalised plan focusing on gradual progression of activities, addressing individual needs, and ensuring a safe and effective recovery.
  • Follow-up care: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor progress, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments to the recovery plan.

By adhering to the prescribed rehabilitation plan and actively participating in the recovery process, most patients can gradually resume their normal activities and enjoy a significantly improved quality of life.